Episode 9: Why Work Feels So Hard Right Now—And How To Fix It with Catherine Fisher
Posts Tagged:
First time Manager
Leadership + Management, Professional Development
How to Lead a Great Meeting: 30 Meeting Tips
It's time to build more effective meetings. Here's what productive, meaningful meetings look like—and how to run them.
Goal-Setting, Hiring, Leadership + Management
The 18 Best Leadership Books for Women
The best reads for first-time managers, seasoned leaders, or even management hopefuls. Learn from the best leaders.
Leadership + Management
20 First-Time Manager Tips: How to Succeed As a New Manager
Becoming a manager for the first time is a huge accomplishment. Succeed in your new role with our best tips to help a first-time manager.
Leadership + Management
How to Be a Better Manager—As Told by Managers
This is our very best management advice—from some of our favorite seasoned managers. Use these guidelines to create your own, unique management style.
Leadership + Management
How to Give a Performance Review That Motivates
Worried about giving performance reviews—maybe as a newly-minted manager? You've got this! Ace your first round of employee reviews, leaving your team feeling motivated and empowered.
Leadership + Management
Hey Millennials, Here's The Ultimate Guide to Managing People
If you're a new manager—specifically a millennial manager, here is your guide to managing everyone, no matter what generation they belong to.
Hiring, Leadership + Management
Onboard From Anywhere With This Inspiring New Hire Welcome Letter
Say something meaningful about why you hired them and how they can succeed – no matter where their desk is.
Leadership + Management
How to Be a Good Boss (That People Actually Want to Work For)
Being a good boss means more than delegating work. It means constantly developing your skills as a leader in order to foster an environment of employee trust and growth.
Leadership + Management
New Manager? Effective Tips for Embracing Your New Role